Have your say on the review of the Australasian Veterinary Boards Council (AVBC) Day One Competencies
08 Jul 2022
One of the core functions of the Australasian Veterinary Boards Council (AVBC) is to promote the highest quality of veterinary educational standards in Australia and New Zealand, and to ensure these qualifications are recognised internationally. In 2022, the AVBC is undertaking a major review of accreditation standards for Day One Competencies in new graduates.
The AVBC’s Day One Competencies are being reviewed by an appointed Task Group. To update the AVBC’s Attributes of Veterinary Graduates, the Day One Competencies Task Group has methodically reviewed the current Attributes and evaluated the Day One Competencies established by other international veterinary organisations.
Building upon the strong foundations of the RCVS Day One Competences (2021), the AAVMC’s Competency-Based Veterinary Education (CBVE) Framework (2018), as well as European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education (EAEVE) and World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH, ex-OIE) Day One Competencies, the group refined those competencies that were relevant to the Australasian veterinary graduate and added competencies in areas that were identified as deficient. To this end, the Task Group has drafted 41 competencies that sit within 9 skills domains.
To ensure this process of review and revision of the current AVBC’s Attributes is comprehensive and inclusive, the Day One Competencies Task Group is now seeking AVA member feedback on these draft competencies to inform our submission. If you would like to contribute to the AVA submission please email comments to Dr Kristen Steele (publicvetaffairs@ava.com.au) by the 25th of July 2022.
You can provide your own individual feedback via the online survey, or send direct responses to standardsreview@avbc.asn.au.