Have Your Say: Inquiry into the management of cat populations in NSW

24 Oct 2024

The NSW Legislative Council's Animal Welfare Committee is currently conducting an inquiry into the management of cat populations in New South Wales.

The Inquiry focuses on several key areas: the impact of cats on native wildlife, particularly in both urban and regional areas, and the effectiveness of containment policies, including potential challenges to their implementation.

It also examines the welfare of cats under these policies, evaluates community education and responsible pet ownership initiatives, and considers the role of local councils in enforcing these measures.

Further, the inquiry assesses large-scale desexing programs, the effect of containment on the pound system, and the outcomes of similar policies in other parts of Australia. Additionally, it explores strategies for reducing feral cat populations and any related issues.

The full terms of reference for the inquiry, media release and information guides can be found at the committee website.

The AVA will be providing a submission and invite members to be involved.


To assist you please consider the following information:

Relevant AVA Policies:

Management of cats in Australia  (2022)

The responsible ownership of dogs and cats and the human–animal bond  (2014)

Relevant AVA Submissions:

AVA submission to Victorian Cat Management Strategy 2024 FINAL.pdf

Draft updated threat abatement plan for predation by feral cats

AVA submission on the Development of Dog and Cat Regulations in WA

Inquiry into the problem of feral and domestic cats in Australia

Other resources:

Animal Medicines Australia’s Pets in Australia report 2022


How to be involved:

You can be involved by contributing to the AVA submission to represent the views of the profession.

Please send your feedback to publicvetaffairs@ava.com.au by Monday 4 November 2024.

Or, by placing an individual submission by uploading it to the committee's website, emailing it to animal.welfare@parliament.nsw.gov.au or writing to The Director, Animal Welfare Committee, Parliament House, Macquarie Street, Sydney NSW 2000 by the closing date of 22 November 2024.