Have Your Say: Northern Territory Animal Protection Act Review

07 May 2024

The Northern Territory Government is asking Territorians for feedback on a number of proposed amendments to the Animal Protection Act 2018 to continue to improve the welfare of animals across the NT.

Animal welfare holds significant importance for all Territorians, whether it involves cherished pets, farm animals, or wildlife.

The Animal Protection Act 2018 (the Act) and Animal Protection Regulations 2022 provide the regulatory framework to ensure animals are treated humanely and to regulate persons who use animals for scientific purposes.

The Act was amended in 2022 and has been in force for 18 months. This review is to ensure the legislation is effectively meeting the expectations of Territorians.

Ensuring animal welfare standards are upheld is a shared responsibility that extends to individuals across various sectors, including livestock farming, pet ownership, scientific research, operation of animal accommodation facilities, veterinary services, and other related industries.

Details can be found on the NT Government Have Your Say website.

And for more information:


The AVA will be providing a submission and invite members to be involved.

To assist you please consider the following information:

Relevant AVA Policies:

AVA Statement of principles – animal welfare and ethics (2017)

AVA Animal Welfare Policies

Relevant AVA Submissions:

NT Animal Protection Bill 2018

NT Animal Welfare Review 2014

Victorian Draft Animal Care and Protection Bill 2024

Review of QLD Animal Care and Protection Act 2001

Other resources:

Australian animal welfare standards and guidelines (2017)


How to be involved:

You can be involved by contributing to the AVA submission to represent the views of the profession.

Please send your feedback to AVA Senior Advocacy Officer Dr Robyn Whitaker at robyn.whitaker@ava.com.au by Monday 1st July 2024.

Or, by placing an individual submission at Have Your Say by Friday 20 September 2024.