Have your say supporting the inclusion of analgesics for livestock in the National Standard for Organic and Bio-dynamic Produce – closes June 5 2023

18 May 2023


The National Standard for Organic and Bio-Dynamic Produce provides the organic industry with a nationally agreed Standard. Within the Standards there are several sections related to livestock and livestock products (section 1.13 – 1.22). 

Section 1.18 relates to livestock welfare, and consultation is being sought on proposed amendments to include analgesics in the National Standard for Organic and Bio-dynamic Produce. 

A short survey is asking questions around two areas: 

Question 1 

Do you agree with the following changes to section 1.18’s Standards in the National Standard? 

  • 1.18.3 Surgical treatments permitted under this Standard are: 
    • castration 
    • tail docking of lambs 
    • de-horning 
    • placement of nose rings in bulls 
    • mulesing, for breeds that require mulesing 
    • removable nose rings for pigs 
    • veterinarian surgery with the use of anaesthetic or analgesic  
    • ear tagging, micro-chipping 
  • 1.18.4 The use of anaesthetics or analgesics will not result in loss of organic or biodynamic status. 

The AVA is in agreement with both 1.18.3 and 1.18.4, but it would be our preference that provision is made to use both anaesthesia and analgesia simultaneously, that is modify the statement to ‘and/or’. 

Within the AVA submission we will refer to the AVA policy on the use of analgesia for routine husbandry procedures. This policy requires that appropriate and effective analgesia during potentially painful livestock husbandry procedures must be used and promoted. Protocols should be available for operators to appropriately and safely use analgesics during painful husbandry procedures.  

"Veterinarians should be consulted regarding the use of analgesics, including for routine husbandry purposes. When prescribing an analgesic for animals under their care, a veterinarian must provide adequate directions for use which should be available to all those administering the analgesics.”  

We will also note that the Cattle: Animal welfare standards and the Australian Beef Sustainability Framework state the requirement and importance of analgesia for invasive husbandry procedures. 


Question 2 

Do you agree with the following inclusions to “Definitions” in the National Standard? 

Propose to make the following change to Definitions: 

  • Analgesic: an agent that is registered in Australia for the purpose of analgesia (relieving pain) 
  • Anaesthetic: an agent that that is registered in Australia for the purpose of general or local anaesthesia (loss of sensation including pain)* 

The AVA is in agreement with these definitions but will provide commentary that the agent must be able to demonstrate efficacy in the target species. 

We would encourage you to also complete this survey by Monday 5 June 2023. The link can be found here and on the Amendments to the National Standard for Organic and Bio-dynamic Produce Have Your Say website