Have Your Say: WA State Support Plan - Animal Welfare in Emergencies
26 Jun 2024DPRID is undertaking a comprehensive review of the WA State Support Plan - Animal Welfare in Emergencies with feedback needed on the proposed amendments to the plan.
The purpose of the State Support Plan - Animal Welfare is to provide the community of Western Australia, including emergency services and the animal management sector, with a document that integrates arrangements for animal welfare with the State’s formal management arrangements to ensure that animals are planned for, and their welfare is appropriately addressed in any emergency.
The AVA will be providing a submission and invite members to be involved.
Details on this consultation can be found at State Support Plan - Animal Welfare in Emergencies | Engage Emergency Management (engagewaem.com.au).
Relevant documents include:
Draft Plan document State Support Plan Animal Welfare in Emergencies (hdp-au-prod-app-dfes-engagewaem-files.s3.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com)
To assist you please consider the following information:
Relevant AVA Policies:
AVA Statement of principles – animal welfare and ethics (2017)
Relevant AVA Submissions:
Victorian Draft Animal Care and Protection Bill 2024
Review of QLD Animal Care and Protection Act 2001
Other resources:
WA State Emergency Relief and Support plan
Australian animal welfare standards and guidelines (2017)
How to be involved:
You can be involved by contributing to the AVA submission to represent the views of the profession.
Please send your feedback to Senior Advocacy Officer, Dr Robyn Whitaker, (robyn.whitaker@ava.com.au) by Monday 15 July 2024.
Or, by placing an individual submission at State Support Plan - Animal Welfare in Emergencies | Engage Emergency Management (engagewaem.com.au) by COB Monday 12 August 2024.