Help guide what happens next with the NSW Inquiry Report
05 Jul 2024
The release of the report of the NSW Inquiry into the Veterinary Workforce Shortage (Report No. 58 - PC 4 - Veterinary workforce shortage in New South Wales.pdf ( in NSW was a positive moment for the profession. While the report was NSW based, many of the issues it addressed are mirrored in all states and territories. The report’s 17 findings and 34 recommendations will have implications across the country.
The Parliamentary Committee report discussed key issues and particularly:
- Recognised the role of veterinarians and the workforce pressures that they are working under
- Acknowledged the unpaid work that veterinarians undertake and recommended government financially support this
- Recommended government funding for the AVA's Thrive program
- Supported education debt forgiveness for graduates
The AVA issued an immediate response (AVA Welcomes NSW Parliamentary Inquiry Report Addressing Veterinary Workforce Shortage) on the day the report was released. Since then, the AVA has been engaging with the media and working on a detailed response which will be released soon. This response is based on input from the NSW Division Committee and national Special Interest Groups, who met earlier this week, and a thorough analysis undertaken by the AVA’s Policy and Advocacy Team.
To help inform our work on the outcomes of the report, we are asking all members (regardless of which state or territory you are in) for your views. Please take some time to complete this survey indicating how you would rate the recommendations. This will help inform our advocacy on these important issues and we thank you for your time and input. The survey will be open until COB Wednesday 10 July.