Have your say on the consultation paper discussing the functions and structure of the Inspector General of Animal Welfare.

06 Feb 2023

The Australian Government has made a commitment to establish an Inspector-General of Animal Welfare to strengthen animal welfare and increase accountability and transparency for animal welfare in livestock exports. This will be implemented by expanding the current office of the Inspector-General of Live Animal Exports to include animal welfare-related objectives and expertise, forming an Inspector General of Animal Welfare and Live Animal Exports (IGAWLAE).

The scope of the IGAWLAE will continue to encompass regulation of export livestock. The specific functions of the IGAWLAE are yet to be finalised and will be informed by stakeholder feedback on the consultation paper. In order for an IGAWLAE to strengthen animal welfare assurance in the export of livestock, it will require additional animal welfare-related objectives. These objectives will aim to strengthen animal welfare assurance, and increase accountability and transparency for animal welfare in livestock exports.

A consultation paper discussing the functions and structure of the Inspector General of Animal Welfare has been released by DAFF. The AVA intends to put in a submission and welcomes your contribution.

You can provide feedback in two ways, either individually through this survey (the questions relate to those posed in the consultation paper) or through your Special Interest Group or Division. Please provide your feedback by 22 February 2023.

Alternatively if you would like to put in your own submission as an individual you are able to submit directly to DAFF using this link.