Join the new AVA Education Advisory Committee
26 Jun 2022The AVA are looking for members interested in joining the Education Advisory Committee. This Committee will be a skills-based committee of members and staff advising the Board on AVA’s education priorities and facilitating the implementation of the continuing education plan.
This Committee will undertake a review of all of AVA’s education offerings. This review will assist in helping us improve the efficiency and effectiveness of AVA’s continuing education program and ensure that it remains aligned with member expectations.
Membership of the Committee
We are looking to build a diverse and experienced team. In doing so, the Board will consider the following expertise and demographic areas:
- Expertise in adult post-graduate education,
- Expertise in online education delivery,
- Expertise in the regulation and use of animals in teaching, and
- Demographic diversity (e.g age, gender, career stage, employment status) including:
*A recent graduate or student member, and
*Representation from across the various groups (including Branch, Division and SIG groups) in the AVA.
Key documents
Expressions of interest
Expressions of interest (EOI) of up to 500 words are invited from Members outlining your interest in the Committee and the skills and experience you would bring to the role. Please forward your EOI to by Thursday 30 June.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss the committee roles further, please contact Meredith Flash at