Have your say on AVBC Accreditation Standards Review - Phase 2 consultation
29 Jul 2022
As you may be aware, the AVBC is undertaking a review of the AVBC Accreditation Standards. Drawing on responses received in an earlier phase of consultation, a set of draft standards has now been developed and the AVBC is seeking comment on these draft accreditation standards and draft accreditation methodology. A summary of the findings of the first round of consultation can be found here.
All of these documents are available on the AVBC website as well an introductory video explaining the process.
AVA Members are encouraged to review the draft standards and methodology and provide feedback as an individual and/or to the AVA to incorporate into its submission. Please provide any feedback to inform the AVA submission to the AVA Senior Advocacy Officer at kristen.steele@ava.com.au by 9.00am Monday 29th August 2022.
Individual feedback
Please use the linked template (which can also be found on the AVBC website) and forward the completed document to standardsreview@avbc.asn.au