Get involved – have your say on proposed amendments to the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) Terrestrial Code
01 Apr 2022
The February 2022 report of the OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Standards (Code) Commission has been published and contains Part A (Annexes 3-17), which are draft chapters of the Terrestrial Code that have undergone several rounds of consultation and will be proposed for adoption at the 89th OIE General Session in May 2022.
Individuals are encouraged to view and provide feedback.
- A summary table is provided to the right which will help to identify chapters of relevance to you individually.
To assist you in contributing:
- A new consultation website has been launched. See details below and note the need to register.
- The Department will hold a webinar on 7 April 2022, details are also available below.
- The Scientific Commission for Animal Diseases (SCAD) report is attached. It contains further information on changes to some chapters.
Comments are due by COB 22 April 2022.
- Please use the template and format provided on the consultation website.
- Comments must be supported by a scientific rationale, or they will not be considered. Scientific references are encouraged where possible.
Consultation website
A Have Your Say website has been launched, and all comments can be provided there. To log on to the site you need to register first and set up a Have Your Say account.
You will then receive a personalised invitation to access the OIE HYS site.
On Thursday 7 April, a webinar will be held at 1:30 pm AEST to provide an overview of the commenting process and chapter changes. You will receive an email invite to this after registering.