Proposed amendments to the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) Terrestrial Code
28 Apr 2023The February 2023 Report of the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) Terrestrial Animal Health Standards Commission has been published. The Australian consultation on draft standards from the WOAH Terrestrial Code is now open. The consultation process for Part A and Part B will be conducted via the Have Your Say (HYS) website for WOAH standards, which contains all relevant background documents and a submission survey.
Individuals are encouraged to view and provide feedback. Please submit your feedback by Friday 2 June 2023.
All feedback must be provided through the survey on the website. To complete this survey, please register a Have Your Say account. If you had previously registered for the consultation, you may use the same login.
To provide your comments:
- Submit them using the survey function and template on the consultation website.
- Comments must be supported by a scientific rationale, or they will not be considered. Scientific references are encouraged where possible.
- Please only repeat past suggestions if new science supports the comment/rationale.
To assist you in contributing:
A detailed summary table will soon be available on the HYS site to help to identify chapters of relevance