Review of the Veterinary Service Standards – Public consultation

16 Nov 2022

The Veterinary Board of Tasmania has released the fully revised draft Veterinary Service Standards for public consultation. The consultation package including the draft Standards and related resources is available for your information via the VBT’s webpage. It is intended the new Standards will reflect more contemporary approaches to professional regulation and improve harmony and effect in professional standards between Australasian jurisdictions. The draft Standards have extensive guidance associated with them to improve their application to practical situations by clarifying and expanding on the Standards.

The objectives of this public consultation are to:

  • identify issues relating to accessibility, practicality, relevance and comprehension for users of the new Standards;
  • identify any challenges the new Standards may present that are contrary to contemporary expectations of both veterinary service users, the veterinary profession and the community; and
  • incorporate necessary changes and complete the Standards for the declaration process in early 2023.

Your attention is drawn, in particular to the new Standards (8, 13, 15 and 16) and their associated Guidance addressing veterinary team wellbeing, telemedicine, antimicrobial use and biosecurity. In addition, Standards that have been substantially clarified and expanded (2, 3, 9, and 12) address Board expectations regarding animal wellbeing in general including pain management, the veterinarian-owner-animal relationship, out-of-hours care and continuing professional development.

Comments can be submitted : (subject line: ‘Public Consultation: Review of VSS’)

  1. To the AVA Submission to represent the views of the veterinary profession via: by 1st December 2022.
  2. Directly to the Veterinary Surgeons Board via email to or mail to The Registrar, Veterinary Board of Tasmania, PO Box 909, Sandy Bay TAS 7006.

Closing date for submissions is 7th December 2022.

Enquiries regarding making a submission to