VIC Wildlife (Game) Regulations 2024 and Regulatory Impact Statement
15 Jul 2024The Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions (DJSIR) has developed the proposed Wildlife (Game) Regulations (2024) (proposed Regulations) to replace the current Wildlife (Game) Interim Regulations 2023 (current Regulations) which will expire in September 2024.
The Game Regulations are a critical component of Victoria's regulatory framework for recreational game hunting (including deer, game ducks, and Stubble Quail). They are made under the Wildlife Act 1975 and set out a range of matters for recreational hunting, such as licensing requirements, default bag and season limits for game and key restrictions and offences related to game hunting.
There are options to ‘Complete a Survey’ and also provide a written submission.
These can also be found on the Wildlife (Game) Regulations 2024 and Regulatory Impact Statement | Engage Victoria website.
- You are encouraged to provide an individual survey or submission response which closes on 29 July 2024.
- The AVA will both complete the survey and also provide a written submission.
To contribute to the AVA submission, please submit your information to by 20 July 2024.
Information to assist:
AVA policies:
- AVA Statement of principles – animal welfare and ethics (2017)
- Philosophy on animal welfare and the veterinarian (2010 - UNDER REVIEW)
- Australian animal welfare standards and guidelines (2017)
- Hunting (2016)
- Waterfowl hunting (2023)
Recent AVA Submission:
Inquiry into Victoria's Recreational Native Bird Hunting Arrangements- 05 May 2023
Thank you for your involvement and you are most welcome to contact me: