Inquiry into puppy farming in NSW

04 Mar 2022

The inquiry into puppy farming in NSW was initiated in response to the Companion Animals Amendment (Puppy Farms) Bill 2021, introduced by the Hon Emma Hurst of the Animal Justice Party (Hansard). The Bill proposes a suite of legislative amendments including in summary:

  • Companion animal business premises must be registered
  • Veterinary assessments of each dog or cat are required at least once a year, 4 weeks before breeding, and within 8 weeks of a litter being delivered. (Penalties apply)
  • A veterinary certification is required within 4 weeks before breeding a dog or cat. The assessment is to verify the animal is at least 12 months of age and physically mature for breeding.
  • All companion animal breeding businesses must have a health management plan developed in consultation with a veterinary practitioner. The health management plan must include the veterinary certification, protocols for the health and welfare, process for determining suitability for breeding, quarantine and movements, and retirement and rehoming details.
  • A cap of no more than 10 female breeding dogs or cats for breeding operations (including females kept at different locations and through breeding arrangements)
  • A dog or cat must retire after
    • a maximum of two litters
    • if no longer suitable for breeding or required by the business
    • if the male dog is older than 6 years
  • Retired dogs and cats must be desexed, microchipped, and either kept as a companion or rehomed.
  • A dog or cat must not be bred is it has a heritable defect identified in a previous litter or is related by blood.
  • Premises are required to have one staff member on site at all times for every five animals kept on premises. (Penalties apply)
  • Companion animal businesses must comply with the business codes of practice issued by the Department Chief Executive.
  • Pet shops are only permitted to sell dogs & cats from rehoming organisations. Also, pet shops are prevented from selling dogs under 6 months of age and cats under eight weeks old.
  • Anyone (including companion animal businesses, micro-breeders, animal rescue groups, and private individuals) advertising to sell or give away for free an animal online must apply to the Departmental Chief Executive for a source number (different to microchip registration and breeder identification number).
  • The Department Chief Executive must keep a business information register containing companion animal business registrations, source numbers, and other information prescribed in the regulations.

The terms of reference for the inquiry into puppy farming in NSW requires the select committee to investigate and report on

  • the provisions of the Companion Animals Amendment (Puppy Farms) Bill 2021
  • the animal protection issues associated with puppy farming
  • the consumer protection issues associated with the sale of dogs from puppy farms online and in pet shops
  • the adequacy of the current legislative and enforcement framework, including the Animal Welfare Code of Practice Breeding of Dogs and Cats
  • the extent to which the recommendations of the 2015 Joint Select Committee on Companion Animal Breeding Practices in NSW have been implemented by the NSW Government
  • the impact of the NSW Government Consultation Paper 'Licensing and regulation of cat and dog breeders'
  • the impact and effectiveness of the NSW Government ‘Puppy Factory Taskforce’ announced on 23 October 2020
  • the impact and effectiveness the Domestic Animals Amendment (Puppy Farm and Pet Shops) Act 2017 (Vic) on puppy farming in Victoria, and the consequences for the puppy farming industry in NSW
  • the challenges faced by local councils in respect to development applications for puppy farms
  • legislative and other measures that could be implemented to stop or reduce puppy farming in NSW
  • any other related matter.

If any NSW AVA Member would like to provide their views on the Companion Animals Amendment (puppy farming) Bill 2021 and the matters included in the inquiry into puppy farming in NSW terms of reference please email