Workforce Survey 2021 - Analysis Report now available
17 Dec 2021
The AVA conducted its 6th workforce survey of veterinarians in Australia in 2021. The purpose of the survey was to collect data about the current profile of the veterinary profession and anticipate future trends and challenges.
The overall response rate to the survey was 26.94%, which is by far the most survey responses received from workforce surveys conducted by the AVA. Categorical data and open text comments were collected on a range of issues including demographics, where and how veterinarians are working, remuneration, job vacancies, future employment and veterinary surgeons boards. Data were also collected around workplace culture, work engagement and self care strategies, as well as people's thoughts around the future of the profession.
Below are two documents that complement each other, the first is the analysis report of the survey data:
AVA Workforce Survey Analysis 2021 FINAL.pdf
The second document is a more detailed interrogation of the remuneration data which provides greater detail around remuneration at differing career stages and roles:
AVA workforce survey _renumeration analysis_final to print.pdf