AVA Public Affairs and Advocacy


The AVA’s Public Affairs and Advocacy (PAA) team are always working to educate and advocate on behalf of our profession in a resource constrained environment.  

The advocacy work that the AVA undertakes benefits the entire veterinary profession. Our members play a vital role in influencing the direction of this work and helping to bring about positive change.

Similarly, the policies that the AVA develops have far-reaching influence on the profession and the environment in which it operates – and the only way to influence these is to be a member of the AVA.  

Increasing our policy and advocacy work to represent the profession requires financial members, and we would like to see a greater number of veterinarians as AVA members, because we are working for the whole profession.

Advocacy work requires resources and investment, often over an extended period while networks, relationships and alliances are formed and strengthened. Policy work requires research and broad consultation to arrive at consensus positions which reflect the views of the profession.             

We communicate publicly and  information on the AVA’s policy and advocacy work can be viewed through our Advocacy updatesMedia releases (on a range of pro-active and responsive matters) and External Stakeholder Submissions. Additional data is contained in the AVA Annual Report.  All AVA policies can be viewed here: Australian Veterinary Association | Policies (ava.com.au)

Weekly National and Division eNews are sent to AVA members which contain articles on the latest advocacy work at National and Division levels. The annual Advocacy Plan provides further information on the work that is currently underway and planned to be undertaken.

Increasing the number of veterinarians who are AVA members not only increases the capacity of our advocacy and policy work, just as importantly it strengthens our voice when we are undertaking that work.

AVA members have the opportunity to input to consultations on a wide range of matters that the AVA submits to external stakeholders, and to help shape AVA policies.

There are avenues for members to contribute around proactive advocacy and policy work via AVA Division Committees, Branches or Special Interest Group. Where a member identifies a matter that they would like to be considered as part of the AVA policy and advocacy work, the process to be followed can be found here.

Non-member veterinarians are welcome to contact the AVA Public Affairs and Advocacy Team publicvetaffairs@ava.com.au to raise matters identified as within the AVA’s purview.

The capacity to respond to non-member requests may be limited, and we appreciate understanding around this.

We warmly invite all veterinarians to be active members of the veterinary peak body that is championing and empowering the veterinary profession to thrive by providing a voice, education, community and support. The AVA Member Services team are available to assist with membership enquiries at members@ava.com.au or visit the AVA website to join.