Advocacy update - February/March 2023

30 Mar 2023


Hello colleagues,

It’s looking like another busy year if the last few months are anything to go by! We have now collated all of the work that has occurred in 2022, and a snap shot is below.

Image: a snapshot of 2022


Key advocacy and public affairs updates for February/March 2023

In the last two months we have been making progress against the proactive national AVA advocacy plan. This work occurs in addition to the reactive advocacy work which occupies a large amount of the team’s time.

Since the last update, the AVA has made another ten submissions on a variety of issues.

  • Regulations
  • Live Export - ESCAS and Inspector General of Animal Welfareand Live Animal Export (IGAWLAE)
  • Animal welfare
  • Immigration
  • Workforce sustainability
  • Disaster funding
  • Education

We continue to encourage you to get involved to provide input into activities that the AVA is commenting on, or undertaking.


Key advocacy activities (National)

Value of the Profession

Emergency Animal Diseases - the Animal Health Committee (AHC) has established a working group on the Engagement of Private Veterinary Practitioners during an emergency response. The AHC working group consists of members from all States, Territories and Commonwealth governments, Australian Veterinary Association, Animal Health Australia, and Wildlife Health Australia. The key roles of the working group include reviewing the National Guidance document on the Engagement of Private Veterinarians during an Emergency Animal Disease Response National Guidance document on the engagement of private veterinarians during an emergency animal disease response – DAFF. The working group is meeting fortnightly with a revised National Guidance Document expected within three months. The AVA asked for feedback on the existing document to inform our contribution from the Advocacy Forum.

Contribution to numerous groups and committees through providing subject matter expertise

During the last two months the AVA has provided subject matter expertise to a range of external committees and working groups in the following areas:

  • veterinary medicines – compounding and methocarbamol

  • welfare standards and guidelines – national and state

  • standards Australia – microchipping and pet food regulation

Workforce sustainability and wellbeing

HECS fee forgiveness for recent veterinary graduates – we continue to advocate on this issue, develop the evidence base and build a coalition of supporters. The AVA’s proposal was included in the prebudget submission of the National Farmers Federation and the RSPCA.

Policy Advisory Council (PAC) update

Two policies were ratified in February 2023:

A review of all of the policies ratified in the last 12 months can be found here.

For more information about Division and SIG-specific advocacy activities, please login or join the AVA.


Advocacy update Feb Mar 2023


As always, we welcome any feedback you have around our updates - please email


Best Wishes,

Cristy Secombe, Graham Pratt, Melanie Latter, and Jeffrey Wilkinson, on behalf of the Veterinary and Public Affairs team