Your profession, your voice - AVA Advocacy updates


Regular updates on AVA's advocacy work, from the AVA Public Affairs and Advocacy Team.

15 results
Updates from the Veterinary and Public Affairs team regarding Emergency Animal Diseases, Meloxicam and Lidocaine scheduling and various ways for members to get involved.
Updates on the AVA's advocacy on issues including workforce sustainability, Emergency Animal Disease preparedness, pet insurance, animal welfare, mental health and wellness and more.
An update on the AVA's advocacy efforts in maintaining the value of the profession, and workforce stability and wellbeing.
Updates on the AVA's involvement in supporting flood affected members, management and response to notifiable disease outbreaks, as well as campaigns for veterinarian mental health and wellbeing, animal welfare and community awareness campaigns.
Updates on the AVA's campaigns in areas including COVID management, mental health and wellbeing, antimicrobial resistance and TGA drug scheduling.