

The AVA works with members on submissions to local, state and federal governments. This is a chance for AVA members to help shape policies which affect the veterinary profession. See below for the latest submissions, and to have your say.



93 results
The AVA has provided feedback on the proposed regulatory framework to support the new NSW Public Spaces (unattended property) Act.
Day 1 Competencies are expectations of veterinary graduates which describe the knowledge, skills, behaviours and attributes that veterinarians must possess on “Day One” to serve both the public interest and meet private sector requirements. The AVA through consultation of veterinary members across the profession has reviewed the Day 1 competencies provided by the AVBC and are pleased to offer the following comments on the drafted 41 competencies that sit within 9 skill domains.
The Tasmanian Government released an Animal Welfare Amendment Bill 2022 for public consultation, which included amendments to seek to support and further strengthen the provisions under the Animal Welfare Act 1993 (the Act) for the enforcement and prosecution of animal welfare offences in Tasmania.
The AVA placed a submission to the Tasmanian Animal Welfare Amendment Bill 2022.
The National Recovery and Resilience Agency, supported by the Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience, is bringing together a range of sectors and voices to embark on a design process to identify nationally significant transformational actions that will reduce disaster risk.