AVA lobbies for Qld critical worker self-isolation exemption

28 Jan 2022

The AVA has been lobbying vigorously over the past two weeks for the state government to allow Queensland veterinary staff who are ‘close contacts’ greater flexibility to avoid having to quarantine. We have argued that veterinary practices are highly impacted by COVID-related staff shortages and that they have the infection management skills to manage the risks around ‘close contacts’.

This flexibility is currently being given to production animal veterinarians and we are calling on the Queensland Government to deem all veterinary services as being similarly ‘highly impacted’. This is so that vets who do not provide care to animals in the agriculture industry can be considered ‘critical workers’ alongside vets who do serve the agricultural industry.

Currently, unlike vet teams providing care to animal involved in food production, equine and companion animal vets are not able to work if they are asymptomatic close contacts.

The AVA has been having regular contact with Biosecurity Queensland and have written to the Minister for Health requesting that all vets be deemed ‘highly impacted.’ We have also contacted the media and Opposition politicians regarding the issue.

Our most recent information indicated that government policy is unlikely to change in the near term. If you are impacted by this policy and feel you would be able to comply with the requirements of critical essential workers, please consider contacting your local state MP to make your views known – your voice can help us push for change. The AVA has developed a template letter for members to use, which we invite you to either customise or take points from to use in your own unique letter. Individualised contacts from voters will always have a greater impact than form letters. You may also like to telephone your MP instead.

Template letter for members to use is available here.

All state MP’s email addresses can be found here.

If unsure of your electorate, you can search for your town/suburb here


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