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124 results
The AVA is encouraging Victorian AVA members to assist in producing an AVA Victoria State Election platform that will reflect our requirements and the issues facing Victorian veterinarians. Comments will be received until July 31st 2022 and compiled to form the State Election Platform.
The Tasmanian Government has released an Animal Welfare Amendment Bill for consultation.
RSPCA Australia is currently reviewing the RSPCA Approved Farming Scheme Standard – Layer hens, and are seeking feedback on the consultation draft Standard.
The AVA is currently developing its 2023 Advocacy Plan. We are seeking support from members to identify which issues are of the highest importance.
Have your say on proposed amendments to the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH, formerly OIE) Terrestrial Code
The Queensland Parliament is consulting on the Bill currently before the House to amend the Animal Care and Protection Act.
The Queensland Veterinary Surgeons Board are consulting with the profession on a new draft Code of Professional Conduct. The AVA is currently preparing a formal submission.
Individuals are encouraged to view, and provide feedback on, the OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Standards (Code) Commission February 2022 report.