Emergency Animal Diseases


Emergency animal diseases (EADs) refer to diseases that are exotic to Australia, to new and emerging diseases that are of national significance, and it can also include serious outbreaks of diseases that may already be endemic in the country.

The AVA has developed this resource to house information about significant emergency animal diseases, including; Lumpy skin disease, Foot-and-mouth disease, Japanese encephalitis, High pathogenicity avian influenza, African swine fever and Ehrlichia. These pages will be updated as required, and we will also continue to keep AVA members informed of our advocacy in this space.

Emergency animal diseases can cause serious consequences to industries, communities and people. Prevention of entry, early detection and rapid response management are recognised as the most cost effective methods of managing EADs.

For example, the equine influenza outbreak in New South Wales and Queensland during 2007-2008 cost Australian governments at least $350 million in direct costs. It also cost an additional $1.5 billion in indirect costs to the horse industry and the nation.

Should Australia experience a large outbreak of a disease such as foot-and-mouth disease (FMD)  in several states, the cost to the nation has been estimated at more than $80 billion over 10 years. In addition to the response costs borne by governments and industry, an outbreak would take a massive toll on agricultural communities and businesses in rural and regional Australia.

Disease threats to animals are serious and potentially expensive to the Australian economy and to people’s livelihoods. Veterinarians have an important role to play in monitoring against emergency animal diseases and also being involved in any response to an EAD outbreak.

Australia has a detailed plan for responding to emergency animal disease outbreaks called AUSVETPLAN. This plan has been used in recent years to respond to equine influenza and Hendra virus outbreaks.

Online training about EADs for veterinary teams : 

Resources for veterinarians performing disease investigations

Emergency animal diseases field guide for Australian veterinarians

Emergency animal diseases glovebox guide for veterinarians

EMtrain – resource for field veterinarians. The EMtrain course, produced by NSW DPI, is one that the AHC task group on the National Framework for Engagement of Private Veterinarians in an EAD response has identified that might be useful for veterinarians across all jurisdictions in preparing for an EAD response, including those with limited experience working in the production or livestock sector. Emergency Animal Disease Response - Field Veterinary Operations | EMtrain (nsw.gov.au)

The AVA and ACV has partnered with the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry to produce a differential diagnosis for Lumpy Skin Disease chart. A similar chart for foot-and-mouth disease is in the works. 



28 results
Updated: Communities across Australia’s north, as well as beef, water buffalo, and dairy cattle industries need to be aware of signs of the disease in their animals.
Information on Japanese Encephalitis from the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment's Rhyll Vallis, Nicole Byrne and Jarrad Sanderson.

Highly pathogenic avian influenza

HPAI viruses are associated with severe disease and high mortality in poultry.

Lumpy Skin Disease

Lumpy skin disease is a devastating viral disease of cattle and water buffalo.

Foot and Mouth Disease

A highly contagious disease which affects those animals with a cloven hoof.

Japanese encephalitis

Japanese encephalitis is a virus spread by the bite of infected mosquitoes.


Canine monocytic ehrlichiosis (CME) is a disease caused by a tick-borne bacteria called Ehrlichia canis.

African Swine Fever

ASF is a contagious viral haemorrhagic disease of domestic and wild pigs.

Emergency animal diseases

A field guide for Australian veterinarians from the Australian Government.

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