

The AVA works with members on submissions to local, state and federal governments. This is a chance for AVA members to help shape policies which affect the veterinary profession. See below for the latest submissions, and to have your say.



93 results
The Feral Cat Threat Abatement Plan (TAP) is an important document to assist with the protection of our threatened and vulnerable native species. It provides guidance to different stakeholders to help achieve consistency, efficiency, effectiveness, humaneness and best practice across jurisdictions and landscapes. Cats are intelligent, sentient animals who play a significant role in Australian society.
The AVA prepared a submission to not support the amendment to the Schedule 5 entry for OXYTETRACYCLINE in preparations to treat superficial skin infections, as the proposed change would mean that topical preparations of oxytetracycline for use in superficial skin infections (currently S4, and thus prescription-only) would be available over-the-counter and online to the public, to be used without veterinary oversight.
In January 2024 the AVA Policy team put together a muti-stakeholder submission to an inquiry into farmed pig welfare in Victoria, undertaken by the Victorian Legislative Council.
Feral horses have the capacity to negatively impact the environment, the welfare and sustainability of wildlife, the economy, and social amenity. As such there must be effective methods to control populations, and the AVA supports adoption of strategic feral horse management plans by National and State Park authorities. The control programs must be based on scientific assessment and aim to minimise the welfare impact on target animals. Furthermore, they must employ the most humane and effective methods applicable under Australian conditions that will achieve the objectives of the program, and animal welfare should not be compromised by economic factors in the choice of control program.
The Domestic Animal Regulations 2015 sunset on 23 November 2025. AVA Victorian Division provided a submission to Animal Welfare Victoria to assist in the process of the new regulations be improved and modernised.