

The AVA works with members on submissions to local, state and federal governments. This is a chance for AVA members to help shape policies which affect the veterinary profession. See below for the latest submissions, and to have your say.



93 results
The AVA placed a submission to the 2023 Review of the South Australian Animal Welfare Act 1985.
The AVA would like to see modification to the prerequisite requirements of several visas that suitably qualified veterinarians commonly use to work in Australia to help immediately address the veterinary profession skills shortage.
The AVA is pleased to comment on the draft Veterinary Services Bill 2022 and thanks the Minister and the Department of Primary Industries South Australia (PIRSA) for undertaking it.
The AVA welcomes the opportunity to provide a submission to the consultation on livestock branding and earmarking in Queensland.
The AVA has made a submission in response to the public consultation for the Draft Tasmanian Veterinary Service Standards.