

The AVA works with members on submissions to local, state and federal governments. This is a chance for AVA members to help shape policies which affect the veterinary profession. See below for the latest submissions, and to have your say.



93 results
The AVA lodged a submission to the recent NSW Legislative Council's Inquiry into the Management of Cat Populations.
The APVMA has requested stakeholder input in relation to the proposed guidelines for determining a minor use. Minor use permits are issued to allow for the legal use of AgVet chemicals in situations where registration of the product would not produce sufficient economic return. A minor use may include use on a minor crop, animal or non-crop situation, or limited use on a major crop, animal or situation.
The AVA’s submission in response to the proposed amendments to the South Australian Dog and Cat Management Act advocates pausing the legislative changes to develop a comprehensive, evidence-based Cat Management Strategy before proceeding with amendments.
The AVA's submission to the 2024 review of the NT Animal Protection Act recommends a series of reforms to align the legislation with contemporary animal welfare standards.
The AVA has provided a detailed submission on the AAWS discussion paper, with AVA members joining focus group meetings with DAFF.