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124 results
The AVA has been invited to provide comment on proposed regulatory amendments in relation to stray stock and unattended animals including penalty infringement notice amounts, notice periods, and monetary caps under which items may be quickly disposed of.
The AVBC is undertaking a major review of accreditation standards for Day One Competencies in new graduates. AVA member feedback is sought to inform our submission.
The Australasian Veterinary Boards Council (AVBC) seeks members' opinions regarding the registration of veterinary nurses.
The Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 (BAM Act) is the foundation that protects Western Australia's environment, agricultural resources and the lifestyle that Western Australians enjoy. It governs WA’s responses to plant and animal pests, weeds and diseases, the use of agricultural and veterinary chemicals, and the safety and quality of our agricultural products.
On 18 June 2022, the Veterinary Practice Act 2021 (Act) commenced and Tranche 1 of the Veterinary Practice Regulations 2022 were proclaimed. Tranche 1 provides the initial framework of essential regulations to support the operation of the new Act. The more substantive changes will occur when the Tranche 2 regulations are proclaimed. It is expected that Tranche 2, will be proclaimed later this year to be in effect for the beginning of 2023.
We are seeking participants with an interest in mental health and wellness to work with the AVA team to help guide the direction of the AVA's new veterinary wellness initiative, THRIVE.
We are looking for members to work with the AVA team to help guide the direction of the AVA's educational program.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in South Australia has released their draft Radiation Protection and Control Regulations 2022 for consultation. The AVA is in the process of preparing a submission.