South Australia


The South Australian Division has three branches across the state and is involved in a number of initiatives including promoting responsible pet ownership as well as representing the AVA in a variety of forums and before members of state parliament.

  • Henty Branch
  • Hindmarsh Branch
  • Rural Practitioners Branch
29 results
The new Vet Board Registrar joined representatives of other Boards to talk with members at the AVA Conference in Adelaide.
Representatives of the SA Division of the AVA met with Dr. Nicola Centofanti MLC in Parliament House.
Recent detections of Ehrlichiosis (E. canis) in a dog residing northeast of Port Augusta and PIRSA has recently had a bat submitted that tested positive to Australian Bat Lyssavirus.
The AVA has welcomed the passage of the Livestock (Emergency Animal Disease) Amendment Bill in the South Australian Parliament.

SAVEM in 2022

21 Nov 2022
South Australian Veterinary Emergency Management (SAVEM) Inc began 2022 with a one-week deployment to the pine/eucalypt plantation Coles fire in the South-East, near Lucindale.

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