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The AVA's submission to the 2024 review of the NT Animal Protection Act recommends a series of reforms to align the legislation with contemporary animal welfare standards.
Check out what's inside this month's AVJ, including the AVJ Quiz - there are 30 quiz questions and 3 CPD points available for AVA members.
Integrated, cloud-based veterinary technology can transform your workflow, creating a seamless experience for your team. A well-integrated, end-to-end system that supports every aspect of your workday allows your practice to operate more efficiently.
Did you know that 90% of allergic skin disease is NOT caused by allergies to food? And 20% - 30% of allergic dogs that are diagnosed with adverse reactions to food have concurrent environmental allergies?
Australia's Chief Veterinary Officer shares some insights into her experience as Chair of the Animal Health Committee and welcomes Australia's new Deputy Chief Veterinary Officer.
The SA Environmental Protection Agency has recently announced that veterinary nurses and technicians will now be eligible to apply for x-ray licences.
Following the recent consultation on the Restricted Acts of Veterinary Science under the Veterinary Practice Regulation 2018, the AVA has received notification that the Minister has decided that the carrying out of a dental procedure on a horse that involves using a power tool will remain a Restricted Act of Veterinary Science.
The AVA played a crucial role in influencing the outcome of the ACT's new regulatory framework for medical gases by providing input and recommendations that highlighted the unique needs of veterinary facilities.
The annual FNQ/CQ/NQ AVA conference took place at the scenic Lake Tinaroo of the Atherton Tablelands. Despite the heavy rain we’ve been experiencing on the Tablelands, we were fortunate to enjoy a break in the clouds and a beautiful, sunny weekend.
The QLD Agriculture and Fisheries and Other Legislation Amendment Bill was passed through QLD State Parliament in 2024.



Australia's Chief Veterinary Officer Dr Beth Cookson discusses the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment’s Pacific Engagement Program. Read all CVO columns.


Your Profession, Your Voice - AVA Advocacy Updates

The latest round up on key national and division advocacy activities, and the latest news in public affairs. Read more.


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