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The Advocacy Forum meets quarterly to discuss emerging issues and provide feedback on the AVA's advocacy work, and includes representatives of all AVA Divisions and Special Interest Groups.
Illawarra Branch members came together in Wollongong to learn more about "Ocular Emergencies" from Dr Filipe Espinheira.
Dr Zachary Lederhose presented the AVA award to Lucy Ford.
The AVA has provided a detailed submission on the AAWS discussion paper, with AVA members joining focus group meetings with DAFF.
Here comes Spring, and the countdown to the end of 2024. The division recently held our face-to-face meeting prior to the FNQ, NQ and Central QLD Branches Conference at Lake Tinaroo. I would like to personally thank each of the committee members for the time and effort they put back into the division - without them we would not be able to represent and support our members.
The last month has seen AVA President Dr Sally Colgan connecting with a wide range of Australian stakeholders and international counterparts. 
Agvet chemical voluntary recall notice due to a small number of unexplained adverse effects pertaining to length of anaesthesia.
An overview of what's in this month's AVJ, including the AVJ Quiz - there's 30 quiz questions and 3 CPD points available for AVA members.
From April to July 2024, the AVA’s Public Affairs and Advocacy activities focused on policy development, addressing the IV fluids shortage, and progressing public affairs and advocacy initiatives, including unpaid veterinary services, national workforce concerns, and antimicrobial guidelines.
The AVA provided a submission to the recent consultation undertaken by DPIRD on the WA State Support Plan - Animal Welfare in Emergencies.



Australia's Chief Veterinary Officer Dr Beth Cookson discusses the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment’s Pacific Engagement Program. Read all CVO columns.


Your Profession, Your Voice - AVA Advocacy Updates

The latest round up on key national and division advocacy activities, and the latest news in public affairs. Read more.


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