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There is a saying that if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it. Australia's Chief Veterinary Officer outlines the need for a centralised national data source which provides current and comprehensive coverage across all veterinarians.
The AVA Board is currently seeking to fill a casual vacancy on its Board. Under the AVA Constitution, the AVA Board may fill a casual Board vacancy from among the Members of the Association. Any position so filled will be vacated at the next Annual General Meeting of the Association (May 2025).
The AVA provides a wealth of resources to support young veterinarians, including connecting you with a community of experienced, like-minded veterinarians and adding your voice to advocacy initiatives.
This week, the AVA farewelled Jeffrey Wilkinson, who retires after 13 years as the National Manager for Special Interest Groups and Executive Officer of Equine Veterinarians Australia. Dr Ian McDonald, from Animal Health Australia, has joined the team.
As an AVA member, you have the opportunity to help shape AVA policies – these have far-reaching influence on the profession, and underpin our advocacy work. Members are invited to provide comment on policies by Friday 16 August.
Advice regarding supply shortage of Q-vax vaccine.
Prime100 is an excellent option for novel protein diet trials in dogs with concern for underlying food allergies and idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease that may be exacerbated by certain dietary proteins.
Canine chronic enteropathies can be some of the most difficult patients to manage. There are some handy tricks or hacks that can be utilised to best approach these patients.
The AVA has provided a submission supporting the amendment of the territory plan regarding definition of community use.
The Victorian Division of AVA has been pleased to provide a submission on the proposed Regulations are now available for comment along with a Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS).



Australia's Chief Veterinary Officer Dr Beth Cookson discusses the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment’s Pacific Engagement Program. Read all CVO columns.


Your Profession, Your Voice - AVA Advocacy Updates

The latest round up on key national and division advocacy activities, and the latest news in public affairs. Read more.


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