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The 2024 Member Forum featured a brief Board presentation, followed by an extensive Q&A session.
Australia’s Chief Veterinary Officer last month led Australia's delegation at the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) General Session in Paris.
Agriculture Victoria are responding to the detection of Avian Influenza at 5 Victorian poultry farms.
The June 2024 issue of the AVJ is now available for members to view online – check out what’s in this month’s edition.
APVMA Recall notice: Ilium Ketamil Injection recall has been extended, as a precautionary measure, to all stock available in the market (all batches) that is still within expiry.
Agriculture Victoria has updated their website with information of a third Victorian poultry farm affected.
May was dominated by 2 events in Victoria: an outbreak of avian influenza and the AVA conference.
I hope this month finds you not just well, but THRIVING. The recent AVA Conference in Melbourne themed “Living Well” was a resounding success thanks to the participating and enthusiasm of so many of our dedicated colleagues.
Winter is upon us and thankfully with it a little bit of rain! I was pleased to have the opportunity to attend the council of presidents meeting in Melbourne as part of the AVA conference last week. It was great to hear the similar challenges faced by all the states as well as what is planned for the next 12 months.

Welcome: Dr Farzin

04 Jun 2024
The Tasmanian Division of AVA warmly welcomes Dr Farzin to the Tasmanian Division Executive Committee.



Australia's Chief Veterinary Officer Dr Beth Cookson discusses the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment’s Pacific Engagement Program. Read all CVO columns.


Your Profession, Your Voice - AVA Advocacy Updates

The latest round up on key national and division advocacy activities, and the latest news in public affairs. Read more.


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