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The ACT Government have opened a call for expressions of interest for positions on the ACT Veterinary Practitioners Board.
Planning is underway for another roundtable later this year by the Biosecurity Strategy Team of Agriculture Victoria.
The AVA's mission is clear: to provide veterinarians with the support, resources, and the respect they need to uphold welfare standards in every endeavour.
June was a significant month for the veterinary industry in NSW. Not only did the Veterinary Practitioners Board celebrate their 100th birthday with the Centenary Veterinary Awards, but the NSW Parliamentary Committee which conducted the Inquiry into the Veterinary Workforce Shortage in NSW released their report last Friday.
Happy new financial year and I hope you are all keeping as warm as possible as we start to experience the cold morning starts. It has been a busy time for your local Tasmanian AVA division with many advocacy issues being addressed and conferences to be organised.
With July upon us, the Victorian Division is preparing for our annual general meeting. This is to be held prior to our Vic Div Executive Committee meeting. All Victorian AVA members are welcome to attend at 7pm online.
The AVA has provided a submission to the Review of Veterinary Practice in the ACT raising several concerns for the ACT Government consideration.
The AVA has provided a submission to the Review of Veterinary Practice in the ACT raising several concerns for the ACT Government consideration.
Normally I’d be writing this monthly update from the bottom of the state down in Esperance, this time I’m writing from the opposite end of state- Hall’s Creek. Not only has the change in location offered a bit of perspective but the reason for being here – as part of the Murdoch University Final Year spey and neuter program has also opened my eyes to the needs of vets in this great state of WA.
The AVA Policy Advisory Council (PAC) meeting on May 27, 2024, held at the Melbourne Convention Centre, saw exciting discussions on several key veterinary policies.



Australia's Chief Veterinary Officer Dr Beth Cookson discusses the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment’s Pacific Engagement Program. Read all CVO columns.


Your Profession, Your Voice - AVA Advocacy Updates

The latest round up on key national and division advocacy activities, and the latest news in public affairs. Read more.


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