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End of Financial year is here already! I hope that all the stocktaking has not driven you or your teams crazy and that you are excited about any new equipment purchases that have been snuck in to help with those last minute tax deductions.
The NSW Parliamentary Committee has released the report from the Inquiry into the Veterinary Workforce Shortage in NSW.
This edition features a consensus statement developed by the anaesthesia and analgesia chapter of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists – a useful article for clinics to refer to when upskilling and maintaining appropriate anaesthesia protocols.
Australia’s Chief Veterinary Officer Dr Beth Cookson reflects on the continual learning that has shaped her career and shares a range of professional development opportunities for veterinarians at all career stages.
Welcome everyone to the second part of the year already - and while it may feel like a countdown we have a number of exciting events for our division in the upcoming months!
The Legislative Council Economy and Infrastructure Committee has tabled its report into the welfare and protection of farmed pigs in Victoria.
The ASAV Accredited Veterinary Hospital Scheme (AVHS) recognises companion animal practices that achieve the highest levels of quality care and practice management in innovative hospital facilities.
From consultation with AVA membership the Victorian Division of AVA provided a formal submission for the draft Bill and Regulations survey.
A Queensland Veterinarian Significant Disease Investigation Workshop is being held by DAFQ at JCU on 8-9 August 2024.
On 13 June, Ceva Animal Health initiated a voluntary recall of NV Gentamax 100 Injection.



Australia's Chief Veterinary Officer Dr Beth Cookson discusses the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment’s Pacific Engagement Program. Read all CVO columns.


Your Profession, Your Voice - AVA Advocacy Updates

The latest round up on key national and division advocacy activities, and the latest news in public affairs. Read more.


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