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124 results
The Victorian Government has drafted the state’s first long-term cat management strategy for consultation. The AVA will be providing a submission and encourages you to be involved.
Seeking Expression of Interests (EOI) to be AVA representative on the TAFE NSW Industry Collaboration Reference Group (ICRG) for the Animal Care & Management Sector.
Do you want to help shape the advocacy efforts of the AVA in your Division? This could be through: • Working on local veterinary, animal welfare, livestock, or companion animal legislation • Meeting with State and Territory Ministers and Members of Parliament • Exploring issues that face the profession and lobbying government for change • A range of other activities Then nominate yourself or contact us for more information.
The AVA is preparing a submission to oppose oxytetracycline rescheduling and encourages members to comment on these amendments by submitting a response to the TGA.
This ACT Tick Survey is designed to compile and provide continuous insight into the frequency of tick paralysis cases across the Canberra region.
Member feedback is requested on the NSW Inquiry onto the operation of the approved charitable organisations under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act.
A vacancy has become available on the ACT Animal Welfare Advisory Committee (AWAC) for a person nominated by the Australian Veterinary Association (AVA).