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The Veterinary Practice Act 2021 (VPA) and first tranche of the Veterinary Practice Regulations 2022 (VP Regulations) came into effect on 18 June 2022. The second tranche have now been released for consultation. The AVA will be providing a submission and invite members to be involved.
The AVA is inviting Expressions of Interest from members to fill a vacancy on the National Industry Advisory Group (NIAG).
In late 2024 the SA Parliament established an Inquiry into the Mental Health and Wellbeing of Veterinarians in South Australia. The Parliamentary Committee is inviting submissions. The AVA is making a formal submission and also encourages members to make their own.
A vacancy has become available on the ACT Animal Welfare Advisory Committee (AWAC) for a person nominated by the Australian Veterinary Association (AVA).
The NSW Government is seeking feedback on draft changes to the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Regulation 2025 (the Regulation).
The Tasmanian Government are reviewing the laws that regulate and control dogs in Tasmania. The review ensures contemporary and enforceable welfare outcomes for dogs in Tasmania.
The AVA is encouraging members to talk local MPs and candidates about the issues facing the veterinary profession at this coming federal election.
The NSW Legislative Council's Animal Welfare Committee is currently conducting an inquiry into the management of cat populations in New South Wales.