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The NSW Government is currently reviewing Companion Animal Laws, and it is crucial that veterinary perspectives are included in this process. Your input will help inform the AVA’s representations, ensuring that the government considers veterinary expertise and impacts when making legislative amendments. AVA members are encouraged to contribute to this important review through the AVA and individually.
Changes proposed in the draft Regulations include granting the WA Veterinary Practice Board extended powers to authorise individuals to perform acts of veterinary medicine, and other procedures are proposed to no longer be classified as acts of veterinary medicine.
The AVA have developed and sent to WA Parliamentarians the AVA 2025 WA Election Priorities. AVA Members are encouraged to talk to local MPs and candidates about the issues facing the veterinary profession at this coming WA State election.
The Victorian Government is seeking public input to strengthen its biosecurity legislation, aiming to enhance protections for agriculture, public health, animal welfare, and market access. This consultation represents a key opportunity for our community to influence policies that directly affect our profession and the broader ecosystem.
As an AVA member you have the opportunity to help shape AVA policies - these have far-reaching influence on the profession, and underpin AVA’s advocacy work.
Australian Standards are currently consulting on standards relating to microchipping companion animals and horses. A number of AVA members have been working with Standards Australia on the updating and encourage members to make their own submissions in support of the proposed changes.
The AVA WA Division Committee are calling for Expressions of Interest (EOI) for registered WA Veterinarians to recommend persons suitable for appointment to the Veterinary Practice Board (VPB) of WA.
The Australasian Veterinary Boards Council (AVBC) are seeking expressions of interest in a number of roles with the Australasian Veterinary Examination Committee (AVEC). On this occasion, applicants whose area of interest is Large Animal Medicine or Anaesthesia, are particularly sought.